
After Cain has murdered his brother Abel, his heart has remained hardened by sin, he has rejected God's calls for him to repent and to do the right thing and he walks away from God and settles in the land of wandering. He started a family or civilization – he built a city. However, he does not acknowledge the God who granted him the knowledge or architectural abilities.

Cain's descendants, as it appears, pursued civilization, innovations and inventions without God; they were a society that had refused to acknowledge the supremacy of God in their lives. Despite their sinful ways, this family was endowed with great knowledge, common grace and wisdom evident from their inventions such as livestock production, the development of the lyre and pipe (Genesis 4:20-21).

Lamech was a man in whom and through whom we see the wickedness of this generation, he was the seventh name in the genealogy from Adam – we see depravity that had reached its full blown proportions. We see a moral decline in sexual permissiveness – Lamech was the first man to disobey God's command of establishment of monogamy (Genesis 4:19); he married two wives, he boasted for murdering someone and sin increased during his time.

We live in a technologically advanced world with great inventions, we should not lose sight of the God that gives the wisdom and knowledge to man to invent such great inventions. All these things should point us to God – our Heavenly Father. We therefore, need the transformational civilization that comes from God and Christians bear this message of hope to the world.