
The oppression of exile had wearied the hearts of the Israelites, and Isaiah brought them a message of hope and encouragement. No doubt the oppressive nature of the Israelites' situation in exile led to the Israelites' desperate situation where they felt God was not in their presence due to the prolonged periods of stress, unrealised hope and possibly wrong thoughts about God and themselves. Similarly, we are in a season of weariness with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this time of oppression where do we find strength and encouragement? Isaiah commends us to find this strength in God who has promised to renew our strength.

From verse 12 to 26 of Isaiah 40, the LORD tells the Israelites of His greatness and He described His Character to them – this is Who I Am, God knows the circumstances we are faced in, He knows when to deliver us from oppression – no situation is bigger for Him.

God gives strength to the weak and weary at His own time, the point Isaiah brings in Isaiah 40:31 is that human strength and youth athleticism can fail but God's strength never grows weary nor fails.

Are you prepared to wait upon the LORD for His spiritual strength? God is capable of renewing your strength in times of oppression. However, this strength is only available to those that have given their lives to Christ.