
Many Christians don't take the devil seriously because they don't know much about him. The lack of knowledge is due to overlooking the influence that the devil has on our lives. God gives us knowledge about Satan and his character. God's word provides the facts about Satan, enough for us to know his character and not be absorbed by him.

Ezekiel 28:11-19; Isaiah 14:12-17 give a hint on the origin of the devil. They outline the nature of sin he had committed and that was of pride.

1. Satan masquerades as an angel of light. He is crafty and a deceiver. He is very cunning and very destructive. He is a strategist and strikes at the right moment – we have a perfect example of Eve in the garden. Temptation is couched in deception. However in the end, Satan is exposed as our adversary. God warns us of this through his Word.

2. Satan has access to God's people. He had access to the people in the garden of Eden and he has access to us now. He can reach out to us today.

3. Satan is a created being. He is subordinate to God and not equal to God. In the book of Job we see the dialogue between God and Satan and from it we see how Satan is subordinate to God.

Satan is a growing liar and we must keep our guard. God allows Satan to exist because Satan's creation, fall, opposition to God are all included in the plan and will of God.